1st new deal
new deal
New Deal
new deal
The plans to end the US's Great depression were developed by Franklin Delano Roosevelt and was called the "New Deal".
Yes, the title "Heads of Government" should be capitalized when referring to specific individuals in their role as the leader of a government. For example, "The Heads of Government agreed to the new trade deal."
No it shouldn't be capitalized.
The New Deal.
The New Deal
The word enjoy should be capitalized o nly if it is used i n the begi n ni ng of the se nte nce but the New Year should always be capitalized. It should be- E njoy the New Year.
Yes. New Year should always be capitalized. It should be- As you prepare to e nter the New Year
Yes. As New York is a proper name, then it would be capitalized in any usage (such as New Yorker).
Yes. New Year should always be capitalized because it is a proper nou n.
2nd new deal
1st new deal
No, it would not be capitalized, but it should be pluralized.
new deal