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Substance is not a sharply differentiated word. Kerosene and water would are a mixture (to the extent that they will mix), but they could also be termed a substance as mixtures can be substances under some uses of the word substance. However mixtures can be differentiated from solutions and compounds -- kerosene and water is not a solution nor a compound.

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Q: Is mixed kerosene and water a substance or a mixture?
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What dose solution mean?

When two or more substance are mixed together, in a way so that they lose their individual identity and form a new type of compound then that mixture is known as solution, for e.g. when sugar or salt is mixed in water it become solution

What is a substance?

The word substance (a physical material) originates from Latin substantia, literally meaning "standing under". The word was used to translate the Greek philosophical term ousia.In ChemistryIt is a material that can undergo various transformations related to artificial or natural phenomena. The term substance specifically applies to a physical material with a definite chemical composition, that cannot be separated into constituent materials by physical means. The term "pure substance" may be used to indicate this. A substance may be an element or compound. Mixtures and solutions are combinations of one or more distinct substances.A substance (pure substance) may exist as either a solid, liquid, or gas.Matter of definite composition and properties.For example, every pure element is a different substance. Every pure compound is a different substance.Salt water is a mixture of two substances - sodium chloride and water. Its composition and therefore its properties are not fixed.Gasoline is a mixture of hydrocarbons and (depending on the composition), gasoline's properties can vary.

What is the name of a mixture of oil and water?

It would be called a "disaster" if we are talking about a mixture of oil and water in the crankcase of your engine. An emulsion if you are looking for a definition. _______________ Water and oil do not always form an emulsion. You can try adding oil to a glass of water or the other way round. Emulsions will only form when the mixture is shaken vigorously and soap (surfactant) is present.

What is a sentence for the word anhydrous?

Hydrouse is; containing combined water (especially water of crystallization as in a hydrate)

What is different about the ancient and modern definition of elements?

In ancient times the elements meant : water, fire, earth, and air. However the modern definition of elements is a pure substance that cannot be broken down into a simpler substance.

Related questions

Is kerosene and water a substance or a mixture?

Kerosene and water are a mixture because they don't chemically combine, and their individual properties remain unchanged when mixed together. They can be separated through physical methods like distillation or using a separating funnel.

Is coffee a pure or mixed substance?

Mixture; the tea and water

Is tap water an element a substance a compound or a mixture?

Tap water is not a pure substance because it is mixed with chemicals that purify it and if it was from the ground it has naturally occurring minerals mixed in it.

What chemical will burn violently when mixed with water but not with kerosene?

Sodium and potassium metals will burn violently when mixed with water, forming alkaline hydroxides and hydrogen gas. When mixed with kerosene, a hydrocarbon mixture, the reaction does not occur as kerosene is not reactive with these metals.

Is tap water a mixture or a substance?

Tap water is not a pure substance because it is mixed with chemicals that purify it and if it was from the ground it has naturally occurring minerals mixed in it.

What is the mixture in which the particles of one substance are evenly mixed with the particles of another substance?

A homogeneous mixture is when particles of one substance are evenly mixed with the particles of another substance. This results in a uniform composition throughout the mixture, with no visible segregation of the components. Examples include salt dissolved in water or air.

What is the difference between a pure substance and a homogenous mixture?

A pure substance is a substance that has only that substance in it. One kind of molecule or atom. A homogenous mixture can have different molecules and/or atoms in it, but they have to be in the same physical state. Water mixed with honey would be a homogenous mixture, because they are both liquids. Water mixed with sand would be heterogeneous.

Freezing point of kerosene water mixture?

oint of kerosene is -22F

Is water a pure substance if it is mixed with something?

Only if the mixture is a physical, not chemical, change.

Which among kerosene and glycerin is miscible in water?

Glycerin is miscible in water, while kerosene is not. Glycerin is a polar molecule with hydrogen bonding capabilities, allowing it to mix well with water. Kerosene is non-polar and hydrophobic, so it does not mix with water.

Is tapwater pure chemical substance or mixture?

Tap water is a mixture because it contains various substances dissolved or suspended in it, such as minerals, gases, and other compounds. It is not a pure chemical substance because it is composed of multiple components.

What are some examples of mixed substance?

Examples of mixed substances include saltwater (a mixture of salt and water), air (a mixture of gases such as oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon dioxide), and a salad (a mixture of different vegetables).