No 1200 hours is midday. Midnight is 0000 hours (zero hundred hours)
1200 pm is noon. Midnight is typically referred to as 12:00 am.
Neither. The correct way to identify 12:00 is to say 12:00 noon or 12:00 stands for ante meridiem which means before noon and pm stands for post meridiem which means after noon. Since noon itself is neither before noon or after it, the use of am and pm is not appropriate. The same argument can be applied to midnight.
"Morning." The abbreviations AM and PM stand for Ante Meridian and Post Meridian, respectively. The terms ante and post mean before and after. The term meridian refers to when the sun is at the middle of its arc across the sky. Nominally the sun is at its meridian at noon. Since it is *at* its meridian this is neither before nor after the meridian. It *is* the meridian. Likewise, midnight is neither 12 AM nor 12 PM. It is equally far from both. It is simply 12 midnight. The military clock is better than the civilian clock for many reasons. One is that eliminates the complexity of specifically accounting for whether a time is before of after midnight. On the military clock noon is read as 1200 hours, and midnight is read as 2400 hours.
Midnight is neither am not pm. It is "twelve midnight".
12PM is commonly used improper terminology. There is no such thing. If you see it in print it is wrong and you may have to use context to determine what the writer meant. The abbreviations AM and PM stand for Ante Meridian and Post Meridian, respectively. The terms ante and post mean before and after. The term meridian refers to when the sun is at the middle of its arc across the sky. Nominally the sun is at its meridian at noon. Since it is *at* its meridian this is neither before nor after the meridian. It *is* the meridian. Likewise, midnight is neither 12 AM nor 12 PM. It is equally far from both. It is simply 12 midnight. The military clock is better than the civilian clock for many reasons. One is that eliminates the complexity of specifically accounting for whether a time is before of after midnight. On the military clock noon is read as 1200 hours, and midnight is read as 2400 hours.
1200 hrs. There is no such corresponding time for midnight. Reason midnight could be either '0000' or '2400'. , but which day does it refer. So midnight on the 24 hour clock does not occur. You have either 2359 hrs (on a given day) or 0001 hrs. ( the next day), that is 2 minutes later. .
20 minutes after midnight
1200 pm is noon. Midnight is typically referred to as 12:00 am.
1200 mins in 20 hrs.
they sleep 600-1200 hrs
Are we talking of 12 noon or 12 midnight. 'pm' means 'post meridian' (Latin) for 'afternoon'. If it is 12 noon it is neither before nor after noon , it is 12 NOON. A similarl argument holds for 12 midnight. 'am' are the Latin initials for 'ante meridian ' ; before noon'. In military time ; 12 noon is 1200 hrs. 12 midnight is NEVER used because of confusion over the date/day . The time of '0000' and '2400' is the same instant. So to avoid confusion the earliest/latest times used are 0001/2359 hrs respectively.
1200 is Military jargon for Noon and 2400 hours is actually 12:00 am (midnight)
Strictly speaking, there is no 1200 PM. There's 12 noon and 12 midnight. 12 noon is 1200 hours.
0 hrs - or, for simplicity, midnight.
18. 12 am is midnight.
You do - as opposed to 2400 hrs which is mid night
00.00 hrs