NO, slipknot is not satanic they are a band in which they sing whats in there hearts and last time i checked i don't think that's against god
i am a really religious person and i showed slipknot to my priest and even though my priest hated the music and the logo and the band members he found no connection with the devil and slipknot
Wow your priest is obviously blind! Who can not make the connection between slipknot and Satan. It glorifys violence, criminality, and evil. Come ON!
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- slipknot is not and never will be sataniclol theyre my fav bam=nd of all timeand i would knowi mean i have no idea what goes on in those heads but theyre not evil they just make music that expresses deeper emotion on a level "normal" people think is just plain stupid
No, they're just a band who took the image of the 9 sided star as their icon.
No! Slipknot is not satanic, and im tired of people saying that. Just becasue htey arent christian doesnt mean that they are automatically satanic!
Slipknot is a devil worshiping band . The heretic anthem uses the line ..if your 555 then i am 666 , in case you people didn't know 666 is the devils number . They also say i wanna be a sinner , sins are ways of disobeying the ways of God and the ten commandments. Slipknot is not a satanic band . You guys don't know what satanism, satanism isn't a form of worshiping the devil . Its very hard to explain satanism . Look up satanism it is very very hard to explain .
Oh, my friend, let's paint a happy little picture here. Korn is a band that expresses themselves through their music, and sometimes their lyrics may touch on darker themes. But it's important to remember that art is a form of self-expression and doesn't necessarily reflect the personal beliefs of the artists. Let's focus on spreading positivity and understanding, and remember that everyone is on their own unique journey.
Korn is not a satanic band, they do not make satanic music, and the members are not satanic. Most of the music from the earlier albums are about Jonathan's [frontman] life.
If you have the new "Untitled" album Fieldy (the bassist) thanks multiple Bible verses in the back. Jonathan is also a Republican so that automatically makes him Christian, right? (lol).
No. There are very, very few rock bands that claim to be Satanists, and Korn is not one of them.
Pretty much the only rock musicians who actually consider themselves Satanists belong to an obscure sub-genre of heavy metal known as Satanic metal.
Practically any famous rock band you can think of does NOT worship the devil or have anything to do with Satanism. The idea that lots of rock bands are Satanists or devil worshippers is a total myth, created by ignorant people who don't know anything about Rock Music at all.
Even Satanists do not worship the Devil. They do not worship any deity. They do not believe that God or Satan actually exist. And they do not sacrifice animals or children, either. Children and animals are considered the purest form of life, and thus are held sacred.
I suggest you do some reading on both rock music and Satanism, and learn what these things are actually about, instead of listening to rumors spread by ignorant people.
That is a good question, i do not believe the band is satanic, but the former lead guitarist of the band left because he quote "found Christ".
my parents including my brothers and twin sister keep saying that its satanic becuz of the band members religious beliefs and they think it sings about satanic things such as satanism (Devil worship). (Just like my sister asked my real name and said: did u know korn is a Devil Band?
i dont think korn sings about that.
No, they are not part of the Illuminati nor do they worship the devil.
No, They do not worship the devil.
NO! no she really doesnt!
Aimee Sweet.
It can't be said that ''all Crips worship the devil'' that would be stereotyping. But I'm sure just like any other organization u have members of the Crips that worship god, u have members of the Crips that worship the devil & u have members of the Crips that aren't religious at all.
No, they are not part of the Illuminati nor do they worship the devil.
KoRn claims to be a Christian band, but rumors are that they worship Satan. I will let you choose what you think they are.
No, They do not worship the devil.
no he doesn't worship the devil
Ray j do not worship the devil.
NO! no she really doesnt!
Aimee Sweet.
No He Does Not Worship The Devil he Is A True believer in G0d
she dont worship the devil she's a christian y would she do that
Worship the devil.
It can't be said that ''all Crips worship the devil'' that would be stereotyping. But I'm sure just like any other organization u have members of the Crips that worship god, u have members of the Crips that worship the devil & u have members of the Crips that aren't religious at all.
Methodists don't worship the devil. They are Christians and worship God and Jesus Christ.