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Yes, kerosene has a very big effect on the environment. Even though it is less combustible then petrolium it still has a negative impact as it a fossil fuel. HOPE THIS HELPED.

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3mo ago

Yes, inhaling kerosene heater fumes can be dangerous as they can cause symptoms like dizziness, headache, nausea, and respiratory irritation. Prolonged exposure to these fumes can lead to more serious health issues, so proper ventilation is important when using a kerosene heater.

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Q: Are kerosene heater fumes dangerous
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Have kerosene heater have not used it in 15 years just lit it worked fine but smelled fumes any chance for carbon dioxide poisoning?

Yes, there is a chance for carbon monoxide poisoning when using a kerosene heater that has not been used for a long time. It is recommended to ensure proper ventilation when using kerosene heaters to prevent the build-up of harmful fumes. Consider having the heater checked by a professional before prolonged use.

How does a photocell work in a kerosene heater?

A photocell in a kerosene heater works by using light to generate an electrical current. The photocell detects the flame produced by the heater and triggers the fuel pump to continue supplying kerosene. If the flame goes out, the photocell senses the absence of light and shuts off the fuel supply to prevent dangerous fuel leaks or build-up.

Kerosene is caustic?

Kerosene is not caustic; but a prolonged contact with the skin is dangerous. Ingestion or inhalation are also dangerous.

What causes soot build up on a kerosene heater?

Soot buildup on a kerosene heater is typically caused by an incomplete combustion process. This can happen due to a dirty or clogged burner, poor air circulation, or using low-quality kerosene. Regular cleaning and maintenance of the heater can help prevent soot buildup.

Can camp fuel be burnt in a kerosene heater?

It is not recommended to burn camp fuel in a kerosene heater as they have different compositions and may lead to improper combustion, emitting harmful gases. Using the appropriate fuel for your specific heater is important for safety and efficiency.

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Can a kerosene heater fumes be harmful to a bunny?

YES! They breathe just like humans!

Have kerosene heater have not used it in 15 years just lit it worked fine but smelled fumes any chance for carbon dioxide poisoning?

Yes, there is a chance for carbon monoxide poisoning when using a kerosene heater that has not been used for a long time. It is recommended to ensure proper ventilation when using kerosene heaters to prevent the build-up of harmful fumes. Consider having the heater checked by a professional before prolonged use.

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how do you replace a kerosene heater wick for a kerosun omni230 heater?

How does a photocell work in a kerosene heater?

A photocell in a kerosene heater works by using light to generate an electrical current. The photocell detects the flame produced by the heater and triggers the fuel pump to continue supplying kerosene. If the flame goes out, the photocell senses the absence of light and shuts off the fuel supply to prevent dangerous fuel leaks or build-up.

Can kerosene heat give you respiratory problems?

Yes. Dry mouth and throat, cough, throat irritation from toxic fumes (especially if the kerosene lamp or heater is in a small room) can occur, along with exacerbation of asthma, COPD and other respiratory illnesses.

How safe is a kerosene?

wat if i knock down a kerosene heater

Where is the wick in a SX-B21 Kerosene Heater?

The SX-B21 Kerosene Heater has a wick that is located at the base of the heater. When changing the wick out always be sure to pour out any kerosene that may be left in the lamp.

How does a kerosene heater heat?

A kerosene heater has a wick made of fiberglass that is connected to a kerosene tank. When the wick is lit, the kerosene keeps the wick burning, and a convection unit in the heater uses the flame to heat the air. In some kerosene heaters, there is a fan to blow the heated air into the room to heat it faster.

How do stop the smell of kerosene in kerosene heater?

To reduce the smell of kerosene in a kerosene heater, ensure the heater is properly cleaned and maintained regularly. Use high-quality kerosene that is designed for indoor use, and ventilate the room properly. If the smell persists, consult the manufacturer's instructions or contact a professional for further assistance.

What can you put in the kerosene to get rid of the smell in a kerosene heater?

What is the easiest method of removal of Aromatic compounds in Kerosene Oil?

Kerosene is caustic?

Kerosene is not caustic; but a prolonged contact with the skin is dangerous. Ingestion or inhalation are also dangerous.