Yes. Cedar is safe to burn in your fireplace, but be careful because it burns fast and hot. It also tends to pop like a bad guys joints in a Chuck Norris film.
I wanted to add to the first answer by telling everyone that not only can you burn cedar, I would highly recommend it. Cedar is an excellent source for kindling (fire-starter), because it burns very hot. The down side is that it also burns very fast. This species is also extremely aromatic, vocal (lots of cracks and pops) and creates a warm glow. Next time your snuggling up with your partner, try starting a fire in your fireplace with some cedar. Once the cedar gets ripping, add some slower burning wood such as maple, oak, poplar, alder, etc. Add a little cedar occasionally to get the crackles going again.
Please don't rush out and cut down a cedar tree. Instead, find some dead fall or buy some at your local conglomerate hardware store. (Hint: split rail Fencing is often made of cedar and is awesome to split and burn)
quite good to burn indeed!
Sure can. Tends to burn hot, and pretty fast. Would suggest burning cedar as a mix with other woods for best results. In an open fireplace, it will crackle and pop alot. So care needs to be taken. As always, make sure its good and dry. Good starter wood.
no. It is very harsh. fire.
No, it's very poisonous.
Yes, you can burn apple wood in a fireplace. It generates very little smoke and hotter than normal firewood. It is a good heat output with a small visible flame and ideal for wood-fire. It is a safely and efficiently burned in fireplace.
Cedar is a great wood to burn if you want to repel bugs. I wouldn't stop with wood though, there are a number of plants you can burn as well. Some plants to try are citronella, lemongrass, rosemary, and thyme.
Wood pellets are intended to burn under a forced draft. They will not burn as well in a fireplace- why not use regular firewood? It is much less expensive than the wood pellets, and will burn as well in a fireplace. PS- a fireplace is a very poor choice for heating a home.
YES!!! burns very nice and has a lovely aroma
I do.
Check with Martin for an owner's manual. Unless a fireplace is specifically rated as multi-fuel, a gas fireplace cannot safely burn wood.
Yes! you can burn any wood, if you are burning for supplementary heat anyway. If wood is your only heat source, i would suggest oak, locust, or hickory. they are the best. easy to split and produce a lot of heat and last a while. cherry is a good one too. Bradford pear is decent wood. i rank it as about as good as maple or gum, which is fairly decent. definitely beats poplar. anyway don't burn pine, the creosote will clog your chimney. but heck yea burn the Bradford pear and get something out of it. they break so easily.
Green Wood Poor Draft In order for green wood to burn well, you first must have good coals from dead dry wood.