

Best Answer

no u should see doctor no u should see doctor no u should see doctor ------- i dont know who the idoit is that posted in front of me but yes- you still have some discharges while preganant. if you feel like something is not right-or just want to be on the safe side- you may want to check with a doctor- :) other than that- goodluck&&congratts~ :)

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Leone Wisozk

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2y ago
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Q: Is it normal to have discharge while pregnant?
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Can this discharge mean you are pregnant?

If you have normal menstruation you cannot be pregnant.

Can females with vaginal discharge get pregnant and deliver normal baby?

Every woman has vaginal discharge. It is mroe noticeable when pregnant. Yes you can have a normal healthy baby when having vaginal discharge.

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It depends on what type of discharge. If the discharge is blood, then of course it is normal.

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White discharge is normal throughout pregnancy.

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It is not bad it is called lactating. It is normal if you are pregnant.

Is having little to no discharge normal at 6 weeks pregnant?

Yes, perfectly.

Is brown discharge from the breasts normal when not pregnant?

No, you should probably see your doctor.

You 4 weeks pregnant you have discharge with a smudge of red is this normal?

no it is not the baby can die

What happens when you have clear discharge when you are pregnant?

Clear discharge during pregnancy is very normal and nothing to be alarmed about. If the discharge is excessive, wear a thin panty liner to absorb the discharge.

Is it normal to have your full period when pregnant?

No it is not normal to have your period while pregnant. I have heard of some small spotting while pregnant but if you have your full period while you think you are pregnant, you thought wrong. You would not be pregnant.

Can you get discharge 3 weeks pregnant?

Yes. It's very normal. The hormones in pregnancy generally tend make you have more discharge