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It may not directly harm them but they can pick up parasites such as heart worm from eating slugs or snails and these can be very harmful. Check with your vet for possible parasites in your area and symptoms of infection so you know.

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

Years ago, my beagle ate one of the big green slugs with brownish-black spots that are common in coastal Oregon. She was about 8 or 10 at the time and lived to be 15. Other than gluing her mouth shut so we had to wipe it out, she didn't seem to suffer any ill effects.

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βˆ™ 9y ago

Slugs and snails carry the larvae for lungworm (Angiostrongylus Vasorum) which, if ingested, can be transferred to the dog with potentially fatal consequences.

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βˆ™ 9y ago

I don't think so. Any dog having dealt with a slimy slug once, is unlikely to want to repeat the experience.

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Is slug slime stickier than glue or not?

Yes it is actually. we did an expiriment that tested it. By our calculations, slug slime is stickier. :) but not by much....

Why do slug have slime?

Because when they drink water they get slimy so that is how they get slime.

What is a advantage of a banana slug?

its got slime

What is the french word for slime?

"Bave" if you are speaking of a snail or slug.

How do i remove slug slime from your dogs fur?

I just used a little distilled white vinegar and rubbed gently. He hated it but it came off right away. The smell is really strong to a dog's nose so he recoiled when I got it around his nose. Don't just use water. It only makes the slug slime more adhesive and makes it expand.

How do you get the slime from snail and slugs?

Revolting question found out when I was little. Spray the slug with a cold aerosol spray, it will eventually move away and shed all its slime. (probably kills the slug though).

What are a slug adaptation?

The adaptations of a slug is that it is covered by slime to prevent it from drying out and it protects them from predators. When a predator tries to catch it, the slug will just slip away because of the slime makes them slippery. They also have a dark color for camouflage. The camouflage mainly works in the dark because they would blend in with the dark because their skin is dark.

What happens if you kiss a banana slug?

You will most likely get slime on your lips. The only health risk involved would be the possible ingestion of bacteria from the snail's slime.

A slime mold can move like a what?

A slime mold can move like a fluid, flowing and changing shape to navigate through different environments.

Can slime flux kill a tree?

no it can not

Can a 12 gauge deer slug kill a black bear?

With a well placed shot a 12 gauge slug can kill a black bear.