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Q: Is it considered mail fraud or illlegal for a friend who currently lives out of the country to use my address for US mail and keep her US drivers license?
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using and selling alcohol is illegal in Pakistan

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Foreign address simply means an address belonging to a foreign country. For example, in the USA, an Indian address would be considered a foreign address.

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if you came here the illlegal way then your an illegal immigrant since the first day you got here

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Tara Oram does not currently have an official fan mail address, as of 2014. She is a country singer from Canada.

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No country is currently outside of Europe is part of the European Union. You are probably referring to Cyprus, but this country is typically considered European.

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The term "Banana Republic" usually refers to a country which is unstable and relies on exports. Some of the countries which are currently considered Banana Republics are Guatemala and the Honduras. The first Banana Republics were located in the Carribean

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Canada is currently the number one mustard seed producing country. The country considered to be the second highest producer of mustard seed would be Nepal.

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One of the larger banks in the country of Malaysia, Bank Negara currently serves many residents there. The physical address is Jalan Dato' Onn, 50480 Kuala Lumpur.

If you are currently married in Oklahoma can you get married in Arkansas and it still be legal?

Absolutely marriage is recognized across the country. You would then be considered a bigamist, and that is a crime.

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New Caledonia is currently classed as a special part of France, (though that status is under review) and thus must be considered the closest part of a European country.

Can you end a sentence with currently?

This is the situation of my country currently. This is a sentence ending with the word currently.

What is the address to Poland?

Poland, being a country, does not have an address.