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I had a green anole for a long time and mine always turns brown. The answer would be no, it is not bad if a green anole is brown.

P.S: Green means active and alert and brown means relaxed OR cold.

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Q: Is it bad if a green anole is brown?
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What is the emotoin of a green anole when it is brown?

Green is normal for a green anole.

What colors can a anole change to?

An anole can turn green, gray, black, and brown.

When a green anole die what color sould be?

It will most likely be brown if it dies from stress. But it could be green too. There is no specific color for a dead anole.

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If you have a green anole then here is the answer, Green means it is content and happy, And dark brown means Stressed or sad. If it is light brown for a while when you don't bother it, it usually means that your anole could be shedding. Like, at school we have anoles for a science unit and there is one that is shedding and up to the point that she shedded up to is green, the rest is light brown. I hope my Answer helped you! :)

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Cuban green anole was created in 1840.

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Warmer temperatures, green foliage and dominant behavior make a Green Anole turn green.

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I am not sure o have never tried that !

What does anole feces look like?

My green anole's feces look brown at one end and some white. I got him of January '12 and ges pooped like that ever since.

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The lizard you are describing sounds like a Carolina anole, also known as a green anole. These lizards are commonly found in parts of the southeastern United States and are known for their ability to change color from brown to bright green. They have a distinctive brown streak down their back.

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