An industry is best described as a group of firms
Manipulation of Supply is when two firms in an oligopoly industry agree to limit their products so that prices rise to levels higher than those that result from free competition.
An industry whose firms earn economic profits and for which an increase in output occurs as new firms enter the industry.
Price-maker firms never want to produce within the inelastic part of the demand curve because there are few acceptable product substitutes, and a shorter adjustment period, which may impact overall production in a negative manner.
Conglomerate is a merger between firms that are involved in totally unrelated business activities. A vertical merger is a merger between firms that exist in the same supply chain, while a horizontal merger is a merger between firms in the same industry.
industry analysis
A firm is an entity where as an industry is a group of firms.
Task tracking software is beneficial for business firms as it can help individuals achieve goals. They allow ideas to be turned into actions, tasks to be prioritised, and vizualisation of tasks.
product market
product market
Some of the products which are considered perfectly inelastic are rice, fish, meat, etc., or in short is our basic nessecities. These products are under the perfect competetive market structure that's why if the firms increase its price still, the consumers are tend to buy it cause they dont have other choice but its substitute goods. Some of the products which are considered perfectly inelastic are rice, fish, meat, etc., or in short is our basic nessecities. These products are under the perfect competetive market structure that's why if the firms increase its price still, the consumers are tend to buy it cause they dont have other choice but its substitute goods.