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Sort of, there was a real life model of Hogwarts made for the exterior shots. It was just a scale model though and no real castle exists for Hogwarts.

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Q: Is hogwarts literally made for the film?
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When was Hogwarts made?

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Does Hogwarts burn down in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows?

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Unneeded addition to the story. The ghosts of Hogwarts lost many of their plots when the movies were made just because it's so expensive to animate all of them in the film.

Is Hogwarts set on fire in Harry Potter?

During the battle a lot of the castle is destroyed and is no doubt re-built. There is a poster for the film which shows Hogwarts burning which you can find a link to in related links.

How do you find hogwarts on minecraft?

There is no Hogwarts. If you've heard of Enchantments, It's called an Enchantment Table. Made of Diamonds, Obsidian, and a Book.

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by teams I think you mean houses, but I could be wrong. But teams at Hogwarts, there are 4 by teams I think you mean houses, but I could be wrong. But teams at Hogwarts, there are 4

Where in England is Hogwarts located?

Hogwarts is in Scotland where exactly nobody knows. The castle name below is one of the locations that is used in the film. Castle name is Alnwick Castle

What does Ron Weasley say the first time he sees Hogwarts in the film Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone?

Bloody hell.