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No... It's not... Morphine is an opiate used in the treatment of severe pain. It occurs naturally in the opium poppy and has a long history of human use.

Methadone is a synthetic opiate derivative / opioid that is most commonly used as a maintenance treatment for heroin and opiate addiction.

Morphine and Methadone are completely different drugs, similar euphoria of course because they're both opiates.Since 2008 Methadone has started to be used in leukemia treatment.Its been found to attack the cancer cells very vigourously.This info can be found in the Cancer Research Journal.

Methadone is also used for pain relief usually for people who are allergic to Morphine.Its not used just for heroin addiction treatment.

Methadone was formulated by the Germans in 1937 as a substitute for morphine which they could not get sufficient supplies of.

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12y ago


They are, however, very similar. In fact, I believe that the rush from heroin is actually lots of morphine being formed from heroin being metabolised. The levels of morphine in the blood from this are higher than you could obtain from plain morphine. (I think)

Another name for heroin is diacetylmorphine. Morphine has two OH groups on its molecule. These are replaced with acetyl groups to form heroin.

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14y ago

Heroin and morphine are both opiates -- both of them have marked CNS depressant effects and are used in the treatment of severe pain. Morphine is derived from the opium poppy, whereas heroin is synthesized from morphine (it is the 3,6-diacetyl ester of morphine). Heroin is thus a semi-synthetic opioid, whereas morphine is a natural derivative of the opium poppy.

Heroin is also known as diamorphine. In the UK, diamorphine is marketed as an extremely powerful painkiller, often used in palliative care. Diamorphine has a high abuse potential, due to the feelings of euphoria and detachment it creates in the opiate-naive user. Diamorphine has a marked potential to create dependence, and long term usage usually results in the development of tolerance and withdrawal symptoms. When used in legitimate pain management protocols, however, the risk of addiction (as opposed to dependence) is much lower than is commonly believed by most people. (There is a marked difference between dependence and addiction.)

Morphine is also a very powerful painkiller, and is the "gold standard" against which all other opiates and opioids are measured (even those which are more potent than morphine). Morphine and diamorphine are both available in tablet form, and in injection form for subcutaneous and intravenous administration.

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13y ago

Morphine is very similar to heroin. They aren't the exact same. However they are both opiates

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12y ago

Heroin is a narcotic but, all narcotics are not heroin.

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11y ago

Sort of, morphine is also addictive but it is used by doctors to relieve pain.

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11y ago

No, not unless the chemical process used to make it was less than precise. Heroin is made from morphine, and heroin converts to morphine in the body.

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Q: Is morphine like heroine
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