Having these mood swings is the exact sign of pregnancy.
No it is the opposite. Not having one is.
Yes, PMS can also be a sign of pregnancy providing you haven't got your period. Do a pregnancy test.
No, it is a sign of an infection, you may be pregnant as well, but the raised temperature is not a sign.
Swollen toes and fingers is not a definitive symptom of pregnancy, especially early pregnancy! It is far more likely that it is a pre-menstrual sign-- that you are close to having a period.
Yeah, it's a sign... that you've a cold.
Yes. Feeling bloated and having minor pains is a sign of pregnancy. It usually occurs the second month along with morning sickness.
No it's only if your late.
No, it's a sign that your period is going to arrive soon. However, if you miss your period, take a pregnancy test
No, a positive pregnancy test is the sign of pregnancy on the IUD.