

Is good soil in the Bahamas?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: Is good soil in the Bahamas?
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Related questions

Do the Bahamas have soil?

Yes, the Bahamas does have soil. However, the soil in the Bahamas is often thin and not very fertile due to the coral-based composition and the tropical climate.

What type of soil is used for farming in the Bahamas?

The type of soil commonly used for farming in the Bahamas is sandy loam soil. This type of soil is well-draining, allows for good root development, and can retain moisture despite the hot and dry climate in the Bahamas. Farmers may also use organic matter and fertilizers to improve soil fertility for agriculture.

What are some energy resources in the Bahamas?

the natural resources in the bahamas are salt and soil

What is pothole farming in the Bahamas and describe it?

pothole farming in the bahamas is faring with limestones, and red soil

How can you help with the lack of fertile soil in the Bahamas?

keeping the soil moist and keeping the soil free of insects

What is poor farming transportation in the Bahamas?

Farming in the Bahamas is difficult because of the tropical conditions. The soil is a cause of poor transportation.

What is lack of fertile soil in the Bahamas?

The Bahamas have a limited amount of fertile soil due to their composition of mainly limestone and rocky terrain. This makes it challenging for agriculture to thrive on the islands without extensive soil enrichment and irrigation. Additionally, the tropical climate and frequent hurricanes further deplete the soil's nutrients, making sustainable agriculture a significant challenge in the Bahamas.

Why is soil important for the Bahamas?

they couldnt be able to grow things without soil and if you cant grow things you cant live

How did the loyalist came to the Bahamas?

-The Bahamas was under British rule -The Bahamas was near to America (Proximity) -The soil was fertile (for growing tobacco, cotton.. etc) -The climate was ideal because where they immigrated from it was very cold.

Is the Bahamas a good place to visit in the summer?

Yes The Bahamas is a good place because they have a water park in the hotel Atlantis

Why are the Bahamas good?

they have really good goal to achieved

How do you say Good morning in Bahamas?

Good morning