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Well, sweetheart, "girlfriend" is actually a noun, not a pronoun or an adjective. It refers to a female romantic partner. So next time you want to talk about your significant other, just remember to use the right part of speech, hun.

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14y ago

Girlfriend is a noun.

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15y ago

it's a noun

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Q: Is girlfriend a pronoun or an adjective?
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Is your an adjective or a pronoun?

Your is a possessive pronoun. It is an adjective when used with a noun. (The word yours is a pronoun rather than an adjective.)

Is Adjective and Adjective?

no. he is a pronoun. an adjective would have to be able to describe a noun or pronoun. He can't do that.

Is she an adjective?

No. She is the nominative form of a personal pronoun. The possessive adjective is her, which is also the objective form of the pronoun. (The possessive pronoun is hers.)

Is the word lively a noun pronoun or adjective?

It is both a pronoun and a adjective.

Is everything a pronoun or adjective?

a pronoun

Is he and adjective?

no. he is a pronoun. an adjective would have to be able to describe a noun or pronoun. He can't do that.

What does an adjective not do to a noun or pronoun?

An adjective cannot be the direct object of a noun or pronoun.

Is lovely a pronoun?

Lovely is an adjective, not a pronoun.

When is a word a pronoun or adjective?

A word is a pronoun when it replaces a noun in a sentence, acting as a substitute for it (e.g., he, she, they). An adjective, on the other hand, is a descriptive word that provides more information about a noun or pronoun (e.g., beautiful, tall).

How could you describe an adjective?

Adjective describes a noun or pronoun. It modifies the noun and pronoun.

Is your an adjective?

Yes, it is the second person possessive adjective (a pronoun), along with the pronoun "yours."