I am a diabetic myself and i am slightly affended by what you but the pepsi max is a ride at blackpool how on earth could it be related to Diabetes do you even know what diabetes is.
No, diabetes is a metabolic disease and Pepsi Max would neither cause it nor cure it.
Contrary to popular layperson's beliefs, patients with Diabetes can drink sugared beverages. The KEY is "in moderation", just like with ALL foods and beverages. A diabetic would need to figure in the sugars and carbs, and factor that into their daily counts. Many diabetic patients do switch to diet beverages, trying to cut sugar plus to lose weight. But a small amount of sugared beverages, in moderation, will not greatly affect intake counts. It's the same rule with white flour products (bread, donuts, buscuits, muffins) and desserts (candy bar, cake, cookie, pie)... diabetics CAN eat these AS LONG AS they figure the sugar and carbs into their overall daily allowance for each and be moderate in their consumption. Example: No one should consume 2 liters of Cola or Pepsi every day... or eat 6 candy bars every day. But a cup (4-6 ounces) of Pepsi a few times a week or a slice of pie once in a while is fine.
Anyone who tells a diabetic they cannot have something based only on a category of food or beverage is completely wrong. Again, it IS allowed --- but in moderation and as part of the overall daily allowances. Diabetics obviously should also routinely test their blood sugars.
HOWEVER, Colas are "addictive" because of the caffeine. So many people choose to stop drinking Coke and Pepsi because they find "one is never enough".
pepsi max has double the caffine and aspartame instead of high fructose corn syrup, resulting in it having zero calories
no max has mor wat mor caffene and no calories so if you want a caffine buz drinl max
i think so
i really don't t5hink it is healthy for you nether is diet pepsi
coke/diet coke
The Pepsi Max big one Blackpool
How long does it take for pepsi max to finish
there is no sugar in pepsi max but it has all those fake sugars and colorings
None, pepsi max, coke zero and diet coke all have 0 calories and 0 sugar
Pepsi Pepsi Diet also called Pepsi Light Pepsi Max
pepsi max which is not launched yet.
Pepsi Max - North America - was created in 2007.