HAIL YES! it is very good, but i will warn u, the ending is very sad :(
112 minutes long.
It's Called "District 9" and it is ridiculous!
No it's science fiction making it not real at all
I've read 137.
Possibly, but it may not be called District 10. Believe it or not, according to Wikipedia, Neil Blomkamp has said that the next movie will be a 'prequel' of sorts. I'm sure he means that 1. There is further investigation into the lives of the non-humans, and 2. It will show what life was like in Africa before District 9/10. This also means that Wikus will be a human and Colonel Koobus Venter will be alive. However, if the sequel is about the aftermath of District 9 and the move to District 10, then Wikus will surely be a prawn and Venter will be dead. Yes there will be a District 10 movie!!!!
No. Its more gross than scary. Its a pretty good movie!
Neill Blomkamp
No, it's fiction.
112 minutes long.
lots of people have different ratings but if your into these movies then you might say it was good but some people say it was stupid so really theres no saying if it was good or not I think it should be a 2 or 3 star movie.
There was suppose to be but it was cancelled and District 9 was made instead.
No, two TOTALLY different things.
District 9 (the 2009 film) was released on August 13 2009. It was then released in the United States of America on August 14 2009.
It's Called "District 9" and it is ridiculous!
Science Fiction! From the movie District 9.
No it's science fiction making it not real at all
Movie Mob - 2007 The Mob Reviews 'District 9' and 'The Time Traveler's Wife' was released on: USA: 17 August 2009