No, the word cloudy is not a noun. The word cloudy is an adjective.
No, "cloudy" is not a noun. It is an adjective that describes a weather condition when the sky is covered with clouds.
No, the noun 'overcast' is a concrete noun, a word for a physical obstruction of daylight by clouds.The noun 'overcast' is sometimes used in an abstract context, for example:The animosity between some officials created an overcast on progress.
Yes, the word 'cloudiness' is the noun form of the adjective cloudy.
Cloudy is from cloud+y; i.e. you mde an adjective from a noun, similarly to foggy, rainy, sunny, etc.
rain cloud fluffy cloud dark cloud wispy cloud
Sunny, partly cloudy, mostly cloudy, overcast, and cloudy.
"Cloud" can be used as a noun, referring to a visible mass of condensed water vapor in the sky. It can also be used as a verb, meaning to obscure or muddle something.
The adverb for "cloud" could be "cloudily" or "cloudily."
le ciel est nuageux ; il y a des nuages ; le ciel est couvert.
Yes it is very cloudy.
cloudy is an adjective.