Be is neither transitive nor intransitive because it is not an action. Be, and all forms of it, can be used as linking verbs and as auxiliary verbs.
Adverbs aren't transitive or intransitive. Transitive is an action verb that takes a direct object; intransitive is an action verb that does not take a direct object.
its being done to something or someone
The verb 'to jump' is intransitive. (A person does jump the ground, but jumps on the ground.)
The verb 'questioned' can be transitive or intransitive. Examples: Transitive: I was questioned endlessly. Intransitive: I questioned the veracity of the his excuse.
It is transitive in "I looked at the dog." It is intransitive in "I looked sick."
It can be both intransitive and transitive. "The wind is blowing" is intransitive. "I'm blowing him a kiss" is transitive.
Impatient is an adjective. Only action verbs can be transitive or intransitive.
To fell a tree = transitive I fell = intransitive
Adverbs aren't transitive or intransitive. Transitive is an action verb that takes a direct object; intransitive is an action verb that does not take a direct object.
"Fight" can be transitive and intransitive. Bobby fought Tommy. Transitive. Bobby fights quite well. Intransitive.