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There are over a hundred different forms of arthritis and resulting from different causes ranging from injury to chemical imbalance as in the case of Gout, to wear and tear, Osteoarthritis, autoimmune disorder such as Rheumatoid arthritis, and arthritis caused by virus , bacteria and parasites. The exact reason for their occurrence and the cure for nearly all of them is not known. We have means of reducing pain and controlling inflammation and even modifying the immune system to reduce the damage being done. diet changes in the case of gout can help.

AnswerNo, But you can do some things to help it ease and deal with it easier. If you are over weight then you can try to lose some weight and help it better. AnswerNot yet, but there are some exciting new treatments that virtually eliminate the problems caused by Arthritis. AnswerNo, arthritis has no cure yet. Eating a well balanced diet, exercising (walking exercise machines, brisk walks, exercising in Swimming Pools because the buoyancy helps eliminate the pain, Tai Chi and drinking those 8 - 8 ounce glasses of water helps eliminate toxins caused my arthritis medications. There are also Yoga classes for those with arthritis.

If at all possible people with average arthritis should wait as long as they can before starting pain medications. These medications can build up quickly in the liver and your doctor needs to motor you closely. Often the doctor will wean you back off certain medications to give your liver a rest and to stave off liver toxicity.

Some types of arthritis are genetic.

Some arthritis medications are given not so much in order to prevent pain but in order to prevent the inflammation especially in the case of inflammatory arthritis's like Rheumatoid arthritis from further damaging joints and other organs in the body, Leaving treatment to long can in fact lead to the damage to joints becoming so great that their replacement become necessary The medications recommended for arthritis can be risky if not dealt with carefully however the alternative can also be worse in most situations,

AnswerNo, not yet. As what the previous answers stated, have a balanced diet. The more weight you gain the more pressure there is on your joints. Try Suppleยฎ it has glucosamine and chondroitin that are the most rigorously tested joint health supplements in the world. Suppleยฎ has only 30 calories and only 4g sugars so it also helps you lose weight and fits into the energized lifestyle you need to get your joints back in top condition.
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โˆ™ 11y ago
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โˆ™ 15y ago

I don't know about curing arthritis but I know of some homeopathic remedies that might help you.

1.) Wear a copper ring or bracelet, traces of copper can strengthen the muscular system.

2.) Eat eight or nine bananas (if you like them) daily for three to four days. They are a source of vitamin B6.

3.) One lime diluted with water, taken once a day. Preferably first thing in the morning.

At present there is no known or at least generally proved or accepted cure for arthritis the key to treatment at this stage consists of stooping arthritic damage from becoming debilitating or where it does repairing or replacing joints. There are over a hundred different forms of arthritis involving different symptoms and body systems.

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โˆ™ 15y ago

There are treaments for it but you cannot get rid of it completely
There is a lot of work being done and there are some encouraging signs, especially in genetic engineering, but to date there is nothing yet.

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โˆ™ 11y ago

No, at this time there is no cure for arthritis. the only thing that can be done in the case of arthritis is to control the progress of the disease and in worse case scenarios replace affected joints.
At this stage there is no known cure for artritis.

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โˆ™ 12y ago

No. the damaging effects of arthritis are permanent and no cure has been found for most forms of these diseases.

People can get arthritis at any age. There are many different forms of arthritis some of which are the result of an inherent physical disorder. some forms of arthritis are the result of wear and tear on the joints yet others happen because of injury such as broken bones. there are also arthritic conditions that accompany infection, these generally leave no lasting damage to joints when they clear up. Work is progressing presently on the development of regrowth of cartilage in joints in an effort to address the damage done by the disease.

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โˆ™ 11y ago

There is no cure at present for RA or for juvenile RA

Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic auto immune disease and we don't at this point in time understand the cause of it. There are medicines that help control the immune reaction and inflammation but these have to be taken for long time as this is a chronic disease. and at the same time check the index in your blood called RF & Anti "o", heart ultrasound too. Because this disease if not well controlled, is capable of damaging other organs such as the heart lungs , eyes blood vessels, the brain etc.

It is treatable, but someone with rheumatoid arthritis will have it for the rest of their life. It may go into remission or slow down, but as my Rheumatologist told me, it never goes away. There are a lot of different options for treatment, medicines, physical therapy, occupational therapy, etc., that help ease some of the pain and help mobility.

I Have had Rheumatoid arthritis all of my life and have had some trouble with it since I was about 8 now at 60 I am under the treatment of a specialist to keep it under control however during my life I have had periods of extreme pain and the times when I had no problems at all, so you can say that it comes and goes. The great thing is that these days things can be kept under much better control. But it will never leave the system completely unless someone comes up with a cure.


There is no cure for RA at present.

It's treatable with medicine or herbs,which ever you prefer,always consult your Doctor before trying something new. It is treatable, but someone with rheumatoid arthritis will have it for the rest of their life. It may temporarily go into remission or slow down, but as my rheumatologist told me, it never goes away. There are a lot of different options for treatment, medicines, physical therapy, occupational therapy, etc., that help ease some of the pain and help mobility.

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โˆ™ 14y ago

There are over a hundred different forms of arthritis and there is no cure for most of them. there are pain killers, anti inflammatory.s and disease modifying drugs that help keep the condition under control.

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โˆ™ 15y ago

No there is no cure for osteoarthritis. however there is some very promising work being done with stem cells in regrowing damaged cartilage and bone.

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โˆ™ 15y ago

NO but medication can temporaly take the pain away

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Q: Is arthritis curable
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Is arthritis curable or non curable?

Arthritis is not curable. However, there are effective treatments available.

Is rheumatoid arthritis positively curable by siddha medicine?

no,rheumatoid arthritis is 100% curable.i have completly cured more than 10 people through siddha treatment.if you have any dought in this statement, you can contact me through my account.

If you have arthritis at a young age what will your future hold?

The same way arthritisaffects anyone; joints become swollen and stiff, and movement becomes painful. If you exercise often or heavily, have a family history of arthritis or other bone diseases and malignments or are simply becoming more advanced in life, then there is a good chance you will get develop arthritis as you get older.

Is rheumatoid arthritis infectious?

neither Arthritis is a condition, There are more then a hundred forms of arthritis to chose from. Arthritis usually concerns joint pain stiffness and inflammation however, there are forms of arthritis that can cause problems with many other parts of the body. the causes for most forms of arthritis is unknown. and there is no cure. In some cases bacterial or viral infections are suspected of playing a part in the disease. However in the main forms of arthritis (1) Osteoarthritis (degenerative) caused by wear and tear and or injury, (2)Rhheumatoid arthritis (Autoimmune disease) and (3) Gout often the result of (excessive uric acid buildup in the system). these diseases while not curable can usually be brought under control using anti inflammatory's, steroids, or disease modifying drugs.

What is gastric arthritis?

I want an answer to this question what is gastric arthritis

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Is arthritis curable or non curable?

Arthritis is not curable. However, there are effective treatments available.

Is rheumatoid arthritis curable by siddha medicine?


Is rheumatoid arthritis positively curable by siddha medicine?

no,rheumatoid arthritis is 100% curable.i have completly cured more than 10 people through siddha treatment.if you have any dought in this statement, you can contact me through my account.

Is septic arthritis curable?

Yes Septic arthritis is caused by some sort of infection in the body and the reaction of the immune system is also causing arthritic problems in coping with the infection. when the infection has been eradicated the arthritis should go as well

Arthritis usually results from bacterial invasion?

No arthritis is not usually the result of bacterial infection although there are forms of arthritis that are, these are known as septic arthritis or infectious arthritis. these forms of arthritis tend however to be short term and do not cause permanent damage to joints. There are however more then a hundred different forms of arthritis with causes ranging from wear and tear autoimmune conditions to chemical imbalances in the blood. Most of these are not curable however modern medicines can usually keep their pain and damage under control.

What is a sentence for curable?

This is a curable condition.Unfortunately, death is not curable.

If you have arthritis at a young age what will your future hold?

The same way arthritisaffects anyone; joints become swollen and stiff, and movement becomes painful. If you exercise often or heavily, have a family history of arthritis or other bone diseases and malignments or are simply becoming more advanced in life, then there is a good chance you will get develop arthritis as you get older.

What is migraine neck pain?

Migraine neck pain occurs when you experience a variety of things such as neck injury, ruptured disk, fracture, arthritis, etc.. Neck pain is curable if you visit a doctor.

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no, polio is not curable, it is preventable

Is meibomitis curable?

Meibomitis is not curable, but it is treatable.

Opposite of curable?

If something is not curable it is incurable.

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