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No. Earthquakes are considered to be seismic activity. This is a branch of geophysics rather than meteorology.

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3mo ago

An earthquake is not considered weather. Earthquakes are caused by the shifting of tectonic plates beneath the Earth's surface, while weather refers to the state of the atmosphere at a specific time and place, including conditions like temperature, precipitation, and wind.

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Does an Earthquake have weather goelogic or human causes?

an earthquake has a weather goelogic

What is earthquake weather?

"Earthquake weather" is a common misconception that certain weather conditions, like hot and dry weather or specific cloud formations, can predict an earthquake. However, there is no scientific evidence to support this idea. Earthquakes are caused by the movement of tectonic plates beneath the Earth's surface, not by weather patterns.

Is an earthquake considered a storm?

No earthquake is not considered a storm. It is formed by the seismic waves.

Weather conditions at the time of an earthqauke?

Weather is unrelated to earthquakes. The weather can be anything during an earthquake.

You may have heard of tornado weather and there is certainly hurricane weather but what about earthquake weather Do you believe what they tell you here?

There is no such thing as "earthquake weather." Tornadoes and hurricanes are both violent storms and therefore forms of extreme weather. Earthquakes are geologic events and are not weather-related.

Who gave a signal if there is an earthquake?

the weather people

What is the weather like when an earthquake occurs?

It depends where you are.

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Does a tsunami have weather causes?

No. It is all related to an earthquake.

Weather word starting with E?

Evaporation and Earthquake are 2 weather words that start with an E

Did Japan's earthquake change the weather in the north America?

No, earthquakes can't change weather patterns.

Is 3 miles considered deep or shallow for a earthquake?

That is quite shallow for an earthquake.