add And interestingly enough, apple seeds seldom breed true to the parent. If you find a desirable 'sport' on your apple tree, it may be propagated from the wood of that twig, not the seed.
A hollow circle is not a fractal.
a robot is only a machine and fractal is reconfigurable machine.
Light per se is not fractal, but I have done work as a theoretician that indicates that photons can interfere with one another to form fractal patterns. See the links for further information on my own investigations. I hope I have been a real help. (The first answer someone posted was "not spatial but fractal." I am not sure what he meant, but I include this answer here out of respect for the original contributor.)
The Inside of a shell of a nautilus (sea snail) Th branches on a plant/tree divide out at each node using the golden number 1 : 1.615...
the apple blossoms on the cherry tree
The apple is the seed pod of the apple tree, so it carries the seed.
An apple tree can grow from an apple seed. The seed is planted in suitable soil, receives adequate sunlight, water, and nutrients, and eventually grows into an apple tree that produces apples.
the first apple tree seed
The apple blossom grows on an apple tree. The apple tree grows when you plant an apple seed.
The first apple tree is not grown by human but in the nature. It is from evolution so it was used an apple seed naturally.
There are no apples in an apple seed due to the germantion but if you plant the seed it will aventually grow into either an apple or an apple tree x
The apple is the fruit or seed capsule of the apple tree. The seed are produced for procreation. It just happens that we can eat them.
The seeds of an apple is known as pips.
The word appleseed basically means the seed that will eventually bear apples. This means that the word appleseed represents the seed of an apple tree or apple tree seed.
they grown from an apple seed that you put in the growned
the seed inside the apple inside the core
Not a fruit but a seed called the 'acorn'