

Is an aphid a inverterbrate

Updated: 9/17/2019
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Q: Is an aphid a inverterbrate
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What is the difference between verterbrate and inverterbrate?

the difference between verterbrate and inverterbrate is simple verterbrate = spine in= no witch means that verterbrate is something or someone with a spine and inverterbrate is something with out a spine

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What is the larva of an aphid?

There is no specific term for an aphid larva. It is simply called an "aphid larva".

Is a tomato an aphid?

No, an aphid is an insect family.

What is the plural of aphid?

Aphids is the plural of aphid.

Is a dog is a inverterbrate or verterbrate?

A dog is a Vertebrate

Are squid inverterbrate?

Squids are invertebrates. They have no backbone.

What does a verterbrate and an inverterbrate have in common?

A spinal column.

What is an apple aphid?

An apple aphid is a bright green aphid which feeds on the leaves of apple trees, causing disfigurement.

Is a rabbit a inverterbrate or verterbrate?

Rabbits have a back bone!

Which insect does most harm to plants- Aphid or Cicada?

cicada not aphid

Is a lizard an inverterbrate or vertebrate?

Lizards are reptiles and therefore vertebrates.