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Alcohol is a Central Nervous System (CNS) depressant. It is also a neurotoxin.

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Q: Is alcohol classified as a nerve depressants?
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Related questions

Why is alcohol classified as a depressent?

Because it is one. Depressants are drugs that slow the body's responses, like breathing and thinking and reflexes.

What group of drugs does alcohol come from?

alcohol is under the category of depressants

Where is depressants classified to?

curing depression

Is barbiturate a class of drugs or a drug by itself?

No barbituates and benzodiazapines along with alcohol are classified as Depressants. The reason they are called depressants is because they depress or slow down your heart etc.Although both are depressants, they each have their own class as a CNS Depressant. Barbiturates have largely been replaced by benzodiazapines.

How do stimulants and depressants affect nerve activity?

stimulants increase activity and depressants decrease activity.

How are depressants classified?

is depreesants classified according to the degree they decrease cns activity

How you can solve your problem?

Alcohol and anti-depressants.

What are some examples of Depressants and Stimulants?

DepressantsBarbiturates TranquillzersRohypnolGHBThere are different kinds of depressants. Alcohol can be used as a depressant, as well as benzo type drugs and barbiturates.

Is depressants legal or not?

it depends on what king of depressants like alcohol and panadol is legal while heroin is illegal

How can you solve your spiritual problem?

Alcohol and anti-depressants.

What are Alcohol and barbiturates are categorized as?

Alcohol and barbiturates are both depressants. A depressant is a drug that lowers neurotransmission levels in various areas of the brain.

Depressants are very similar to the effects of alcohol true or false?

Alcohol is a depressant