Akira Toriyama is the creator for the popular manga series Dragon Ball. He was born on April 5th, 1955 in the region of Aichi in the native land of Japan. He graduated from 'Prefectural Industrial High School' as a graphic designer. Soon he entered his manga into Weekly Shonen Jump. This included Wonder Island, Dr. Slump, Dragon Boy, Kajika, Sand Land, and The Journey to the West.
An overview:
Toriyama Akira 鳥山 明 -
Akira Toriyama was born on April 5, 1955.
Akira Toriyama's parents were named Ryūzaburō Toriyama and Aki Toriyama. His father worked as a camera operator and his mother was a housewife.
Akira Toriyama is 62 years old (birthdate: April 5, 1955).
Dragon Ball Z is creating from Akira Toriyama from Japan!
Akira Toriyama attended the Yamaguchi Prefectural Industrial High School, but he did not attend college. He pursued a career in manga and art instead of furthering his education.
Akira Toriyama.
in Japanese
Akira Toriyama
Akira Toriyama
Japan at Kiyosu, Aichi from: wikipedia Akira Toriyama Born Toriyama Akira (鳥山 明) April 5, 1955 (age 56) Kiyosu, Aichi, Japan Residence Aichi Prefecture, Japan Nationality Japanese
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