Box turtles start out life as carnivores. They need the protein for overall health and shell growth. As they mature, they become omnivores, eating a wide variety of foods from every food group.
They are omnivore fruits should be given once a month to 3 weeks and veggies make up about 40 percent of diet bugs from store are 60 percent diet look up Box turtle care sheets. On Google
The Box turtle Family is Emydidae
Oceanic herbivore
yes its hervivorse
They are omnivore fruits should be given once a month to 3 weeks and veggies make up about 40 percent of diet bugs from store are 60 percent diet look up Box turtle care sheets. On Google
Turtles are omnivores.
The snapping turtle will try to attack or kill the box turtle. Some times even eat the box turtle
It is an Omnivore
A boy box turtle.
Chinese box turtle was created in 1863.