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no it is not

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because they have seeds

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13y ago

A tomato is a fruit.

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11y ago

a berry

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Q: Why tomatoes are classified as fruit?
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Related questions

Are tomatoes and courgettes are vegetables?

Tomatoes are fruit. Courgettes are vegetables. Fruits are classified as juicy and containing seeds, both of which tomatoes have.

How tomato and vegetable a fruit?

Tomatoes are classified as fruits, but for culinary purposes they are used as vegetables

Are cherries a fruit?

Any plant that containes its own seeds is a fruit. This would include tomatoes, cucumbers, and bell peppers (classified by science, based on the FDA tomatoes, cucumbers and bell peppers are classified as vegetables)

Tomatoes fruit or vegetable?

Tomatoes are a fruit.

Is tomatoes vegetable or fruit?

It is a fruit on the vine and a vegetable on your plate

How is the part of the tomato plant that you eat classified by botanists?

The part of the tomato plant that you eat, such as the tomato itself, is classified as a fruit by botanists. In botanical terms, a fruit is the mature ovary of a flower that typically contains seeds. This is why tomatoes fall under the category of fruits, despite culinary perceptions.

How do you get your tomatoes to produce more fruit?

To get your tomatoes to produce more fruit, consider pruning them.

What is a vegetable that people think is a fruit?

they think TOMATOES arew fruit, cuz tomatoes have seeds in it.

What fruit begins with ta?

Tomatoes are a green fruit. Fried green tomatoes are a food dish found in the Southern U.S., made from unripe tomatoes.

Why tomatoes and chili are fruit not vegetable?

There are seeds in tomatoes and chilis

Are tomatoes a real fruit?


What is the US fruit?
