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Yes it is but it all depends what species.

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12y ago
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12y ago

No because the sea turtle only eats plants.

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13y ago

most likely a herbivore if iy were to be omnivore it would probly eat small fish ut its most likely a herbivore

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11y ago

yes a sea turtle is a herbivore it only eats plants

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15y ago

Sea turtles are omnivores, eating both seaweed and jellyfish.

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7y ago

No....the seaturtle is an herbivor

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9y ago


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Q: Is a sea turtle an omnivore?
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Is a sea turtle a herbivore omnivore carnivore?

most likely a herbivore if iy were to be omnivore it would probly eat small fish ut its most likely a herbivore

Is a sea turtle a carnivore omnivore or herbivore?

most likely a herbivore if iy were to be omnivore it would probly eat small fish ut its most likely a herbivore

Is a sea turtle a carnivore or herbivore or omnivore?

most likely a herbivore if iy were to be omnivore it would probly eat small fish ut its most likely a herbivore

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It is an Omnivore

Is a turtle a herbivore carnivore or an omnivore?

A turtle is a omnivore.

Is the green sea turtle an omnivore or a herbivore?

A green sea turtle is actually both because when baby green turtles are born, they eat crustaceans, mollusks, jellyfishes, and sponges for the first few months then when adults, they will avoid meat and move on to seaweed, sea grass, or marine algae.

What are all of the different sea turtles?

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Is an Eastern Mud Turtle a carnivore?

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