Pickles are cucumbers. Cucumbers are vegatables.
Yeah. they're actually baby cucumbers.
No. Cucumbers are a fruit.
My 2 cents: Most people don't seem to understand what fruits and vegetables are from a botanical standpoint versus a dietary (food groups) standpoint. Most people consider a tomato to be a vegetable dietary wise but it is a fruit botanically speaking. From a dietary (food groups) standpoint pickles/cucumbers could go either way IMO.
What Americans traditionally refer to as pickles are actually cucumbers that have undergone a pickling process - usually involving leaving them in vinegar or brine (salty water). So, I suspect the answer to your question depends on whether you consider cucumber to be a fruit or a vegetable, and I believe it meets the definition of a fruit rather than a vegetable.
No, pickles are not fruit they are actually cucumbers (a vegtable) that have been soaked in vinigar and other things Pickling may well originate with the Roman practice of preserving food in sour wine, and refers to the method of preservation, not specifically to the items preserved, which might include fruit, vegetables, cheese or seafood. Indian pickles typically employ oil and salt as the preservation medium. Japanese pickles are more likely to employ brine. Most other parts of the world use vinegar as a preservative. NB: cucumbers are a fruit.Yes
The tomato is scientifically a fruit but in cooking it is classified as a vegtable
a fruit
Yes It Is
no a vegtable
a plant cultivated for an edible part such as the leaf of spinach or the flower buds of broccoli or cauliflower The vegtable doesnt always have to be edible..........a vegtable is basicly any part of a plant that doesnt have a seed in/on it.