The government doesn't care where the marriage takes place. If you have a valid marriage license and the individual performing the ceremony is authorized to officiate, the location doesn't matter.
Marriage is one of the seven sacraments in the Church, and as such, must legally take place in a Church.
Yes as long as you were legally married. And if you were congratz!!! ---- If either party of the couples is a Catholic, then for the Catholic Church to officially recognize the marriage, the couple must have been married in the Catholic Church.
If the marriage was conducted by a Catholic priest or deacon, yes. However, the Church generally prefers a marriage take place in Church.
If you wish to be married in the Catholic Church and your first marriage was in the church, you will need to apply for an annulment (Catholic divorce) before you can remarry in the church. If you wish to marry in the protestant church, they do not have any laws that I know of that would prevent you from marrying in their church. If you have a civil marriage and no church marriage, then you can get married in the Catholic Church since civil marriages are not recognized as a holy sacrament and the covenant with God did not take place.
The answers is no, if he wasn't divorced,yes,because the catholic church recognises the orthodox church as valid since they were one church before.However if he is divorced he is not allowed in either catholic or orthodox. A Catholic can marry any non- Catholic, and it is recognized as a sacrament in the Catholic church. Only when the individual has been previously married there is an issue. In which case that individual must have their previous marriage annuled. The Catholic church permits Catholics to marry in the Orthodox church and it is a sacrament. I have spoken to Catholic priests and Catholic Bishops and they do not see a problem with a Greek annulment, as being an impediment. If that individual did not have their marriage previously annulled than it would be an issue.
The answer depends upon whether the Catholic man's first marriage was canonically valid, and, if so, whether he has been granted an annulment. The marriage of a Catholic in a civil ceremony, for example, is not canonically valid in the eyes of the Church. In most cases, such a marriage would not require an annulment for a second marriage in the Church to take place. If, however, the first marriage was valid in the eyes of the Church, as for example, a Catholic wedding, then it will be necessary for the man's first marriage to be annuled before he can validly contract a second Catholic marriage.
Answer: A Catholic may marry another Christian e.g. a Presbyterian (a 'mixed marriage') so long as he/she promises to do his/her best to raise any children in the Catholic faith; the non-Catholic is to be aware of this promise and understand what it means. It is sufficient for the priest or deacon acting as Church witness to fill out some brief paper work. The ceremony normally takes place within the church building and it is courtesy to invite the Protestant minister to participate (no permisson is needed). It is also possible for the ceremony to be conducted in the church of the Protestant party; this would normally be granted by the bishop, especially if the Protestant had a strong connection to his/her church e.g. a relative who was pastor. However, a Catholic priest or deacon would normally be required to be present. A Catholic may also marry a person who is not a Christian, with the promise regarding children also being made. However, such a marriage is called a "Disparity of Cult" and permission must be obtained from the local bishop. In such cases, it is permitted for the ceremony to take place somewhere other than in a church building. See related links.
Any marriage, which takes place in the Catholic Church, is valid. When one wishes to marry, one should contact his local priest; the priest will give instructions to the couple and the non-Catholic must agree to raise the children in the Catholic Faith. If the priest determines that the intentions of the couple are in union with Church teachings, he will permit the marriage. However, if one were to marry outside the Church...the Marriage is not valid.
Yes, a Catholic can marry a Pentecostal. Marriages in the Catholic tradition can take place either within a Mass or not. Generally, if a Catholic marries a non-Catholic they do not celebrate sacrament of matrimony during Mass but rather have a service. This service is just as Sacramental for the Catholic spouse as a marriage within a Mass would be for two Catholics getting married. There are some conditions however: For a Catholic to marry a Pentecostal and have their marriage recognized by the Church and thus be sacramental for the Catholic spouse, the couple would have to go through the regular marriage prep as required by their parish and the Pentecostal spouse would have to make certain commitments, such as acknowledging that the Catholic spouse has a commitment to raise the offspring in the Catholic faith.
If you are divorced, you CANNOT marry in any Catholic church anywhere in the world. In the Catholic church's eye, you are still married once you are divorced. Therefore, you are committing adultery by remarrying.If you want to remarry, you should get an annulment. This completely erases the former marriage.If you are divorced, baptized Catholic, and were not married in a Catholic church or marriage not validated by a Catholic priest, but were married in a civil ceremony or a non Catholic Church, then you CAN be married in a Catholic Church, with proper dispensation. You shouild see a priest in this case; otherwise you need an annullment.Roman Catholic AnswerThe above answer is a little confused, if you have been married and are divorced, then you are still married in the eyes of the Church and can not get married again unless your first spouse dies. If there was some defect with the first marriage AND IT WAS NOT VALID IN THE FIRST PLACE, then you can get an annulment which is nothing more than the Church's declaration that the first attempted marriage never took place validly. The Church has no power to "completely erase" any valid marriage. If your marriage was valid, then you will be denied an annulment. In the last case mentioned above, you were a Catholic but did not marry in front of a priest, then you did not fulfuill the requirements for a valid marriage, and your attempted marriage could be annulled.
This depends on what you mean by elope. If a Catholic was to elope and be married by a civil authority this would be a mortal sin and the marriage would not be recognized by the Church, since a priest must be witness to a Catholic marriage (save for extreme circumstances). Later, however, a couple could repent of this and after consultation with a priest, they may be allowed a Catholic marriage which would, of course, be recognized. If, however, as seen in Romeo and Juliet, a Catholic couple elopes because of severe familial circumstances - which would have to be dire indeed - and is married by a Catholic priest, this marriage is valid and binding and no sin is committed. Eloping for "financial reasons" is very vague. It is best to consult a priest. If you are unable to talk to a priest because you do not plan to be married in the Church in the first place: don't do it at all! You can always be married in the Church later, but you don't know if later will ever come, and a Catholic who has despised the Church by resorting to a civil union is living in scandal and his union is considered fornication.
.Catholic AnswerHe would need to speak with a priest. A decree of nullity says that, according to the Church, no valid marriage too place. In other words, the non-Catholic man could only obtain a decree of nullity if, according to the Catholic Church his civil marriage was not valid - it is not a given, he must prove it.