No, kiwi are not extinct.
There are five species of kiwis (some sources say seven), and their conservation status varies.
The Okarito Kiwi, or Rowi (Apteryx rowi) is critically endangered.
The brown kiwi (Apteryx mantelli) is endangered.
The little spotted kiwi (Apteryx owenii), great spotted kiwi (Apteryx haastii) and tokoeka(Apteryx australis) are classified as vulnerable.
There are five species of kiwis (some sources say seven), and their conservation status varies.
The Okarito Kiwi, or Rowi (Apteryx rowi) is critically endangered.
The brown kiwi (Apteryx mantelli) is endangered.
The little spotted kiwi (Apteryx owenii), great spotted kiwi (Apteryx haastii) and tokoeka(Apteryx australis) are classified as vulnerable.
The kiwi is not rare, although it is found only in New Zealand.
Figures vary, but the count of kiwi in New Zealand, as of 2008, was believed to be 72,600. Of the five recognised species, only two are officially endangered. The kiwi is subject to predation by introduced animals, however, and it is estimated that, by 2018, the figure will have fallen to 63,500.
No, endangered means almost extinct and extinct simply means there are non left Of that species- rare
Manukura is the name of the white kiwi. It's a rare off-spring of the north island brown kiwi bird.
Very rare, sloths are endangered and many species have gone extinct already.
No it is not. It is the state bird of New York.
I am writing a research paper on whaling, and from my sources the Right whale is not actually extinct. It is extremely rare and highly endangered. They are no longer seen in the coast of Tasmania, and they are rare in Australian waters. However, they are not extinct.
Endangered species, extinct species,vunerable, and threatened species.
Kiwi (the fruit): green, fruity, delicious, juicy, delectable Kiwi (the bird): brown, flightless, insect eating, ground dwelling, rare Kiwi (a New Zealander): proud, Maori, southern, brave, tanned
They both start with E.they both are really are not alike. extinct means that they are no more. endangered means there are still left but rare.
No. They are neither rare nor endangered. They are native to Australia and New Guinea and there are five different types of kookaburras.
The rare Dodo,Elephant bird,Moa and The Great Auk
nine-spotted lady beetles are very rare and were thought to be extinct, though one was seen as recently as 2006.
No. A kiwi lays one large egg (about six times the size of an egg from another bird of the same size) then, 24 days later, lays another egg. The second egg is beginning to develop as soon as the first is laid. On rare occasions, a kiwi may lay a third egg. The kiwi can lay only one egg at a time, as the egg is huge - about 15-20% of the kiwi's total body weight.