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yes it is. the bearded dragon likes to f**k fancy mice right in the a&* all the time

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Q: Is a fancy mouse a good treat for a bearded dragon lizard?
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Can a 12 inch bearded dragon eat a hopper mouse?

Bearded dragons do not eat mice, they eat vegetables and insects.

What kind of a predator is a bearded dragon?

An insectivore. That means it eats insects such as locusts, crickets, mealworms, waxworms and the odd pinky mouse or day old chick.

What does Mussaurus mean?

Mouse lizard.

Should you feed your Bearded Dragon a mouse?

yes!provides them with the neccisary proteins and calcium they need for growth. It is also a good treat and should only be given once a month.

What is the best pet mouse?

the best mouse to keep for a pet is female fancy mouse

Does a pinky mouse cause a bearded dragon to have liver failure if eatin?

Nope - so long as you don't feed too many ! One a month is an adequate addition to their normal diet.

Can a lizard eat a mouse?

Yes, some larger species of lizards, such as monitors, can eat mice. However, it is important to ensure the mouse is an appropriate size for the lizard and is not carrying any diseases that could harm the lizard. It is best to provide a well-balanced diet that meets the nutritional needs of the lizard.

Will a prairie lizard eat a mouse?

No. They eat insets. A tarantula would eat a baby mouse.

Can a lizard turn into a mouse?

No, a lizard will never turn into an iguana. They are two different animals.

What is the most common mouse for a 9 year old girl?

probably a Fancy Mouse

Can a girl fancy mouse get pregnant without a male mouse in the cage?

maybe or maybe not

Where are they most likely to have a fancy mouse?

Most petstores