Qualitative for a car license
Qualitative for a favorite sport
Qualitative for a number of brothers
It is quantitative.
qualitative because they are non-numeric.
A qualitative observation is an observation of what something is, such as, I saw a pig, I saw sunlight, I saw a plane flying by, I saw a green fluid, etc. A quantitative observation is a numerical measurement of something, such as, I have 7.9 grams of sugar, the current air temperature is 13o C, the car is traveling at 52 kph, etc.
Qualitative data is called non numerical e.g hair colore, finding the most common car in a parking lot
most likely
It is quantitative because it is numerical
It is quantitative.
Qualitative is the senses determining the value of information, such as "variable x was much bigger and hotter than variable y", while quantitative is the exact measurements, such as "variable x was 72 degrees hotter and 15 cubic inches bigger than variable y"
qualitative because they are non-numeric.
A quantitative variable is a variable that can be measured by a number, usually on a ratio scale, but at least on an interval or ordinal scale, such that less and more can be measured and determined.EXAMPLE:CARS IN A CAR PARKA qualitative variable is also called a categorical variable. The items are different, but the difference is not a measure, such as square and round, hungry and fed. Statistically, these variables may be known as binomial or amenable to chi-square analysis.EXAMPLE:RED CARS IN A CAR PARK
the answer above is really wrong...it is Quantitative because it deals with numerical values...
A variable that is not numerical but descriptive or categoric. Answers to what colour is your car, what is your favourite fruit/ band/ movie, your gender: male/female,
Quantitative properties are properties that have a lot of quantity (a lot of the item), but not too much quality to it, while a qualitative property is a property that has more about the quality, and not so much the quantity.
Qualitative properties are properties that are observed and can generally not be measured with a numerical result. They are contrasted to quantitative properties which have numerical characteristics.
A qualitative observation is an observation of what something is, such as, I saw a pig, I saw sunlight, I saw a plane flying by, I saw a green fluid, etc. A quantitative observation is a numerical measurement of something, such as, I have 7.9 grams of sugar, the current air temperature is 13o C, the car is traveling at 52 kph, etc.
A qualitative observation is an observation of what something is, such as, I saw a pig, I saw sunlight, I saw a plane flying by, I saw a green fluid, etc. A quantitative observation is a numerical measurement of something, such as, I have 7.9 grams of sugar, the current air temperature is 13o C, the car is traveling at 52 kph, etc.