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No, the Vatican is not in the EU.

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Q: Why is Vatican City not part of the EU?
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What eu country has the smallest population?

The Vatican city has the smallest population in Europe.

Does Vatican City have a port?

No, it doesn't. Vatican City is a part of Rome.

Which european union has the smallest population?

Vatican City is the least populated country in Europe, and the world, with 832 people.

What are names of coins used in Vatican City?

Even though it is not a member of the EU, the Vatican issues Euros. Until a few years ago the coins used by the Vatican were liras.

What is the smallest European country that is not in the EU?

Eighteen countries in Europe are not in the EU. These countries are Iceland, Norway, Switzerland, Serbia, Montenegro, Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Macedonia, Albania, Andorra, Belarus, Moldova, Monaco, San Marino, Liechtenstein, Vatican City, Russia, and Ukraine.

Are Rome and Vatican City the same place?

No, Vatican City is distinct and independent country totally surrounded by the city of Rome. Rome is a part of Italy, the Vatican is not.

Does Vatican City have a president?

Yes Vatican City has a president, Giuseppe Bertello, for the legislative part of the government.

Is Vatican City an actual city or just a unmarked religious part of Rome?

Vatican City is a sovereign nation surrounded by the City of Rome and the boundaries are clearly delineated. It is not a part of the city of Rome.

What country is not a member of the European Union although EU members surround it what country is it?

The following countries are surrounded by the European Union but are not part of the EU: Switzerland + Liechtenstein, Andorra, San Marino and the Vatican City. Monaco borders on France (an EU member), but has a coastline so it is not completely surrounded. The Russian province of Kaliningrad also borders only on EU countries, but also has a coastline as well.

What continent is the vatican is located on?

The Vatican City is surrounded by Rome, the capital city of Italy, and Italy is part of Europe.

On what hill is the Vatican situated?

The territory of Vatican City is part of the Mons Vaticanus, and of the adjacent former Vatican Fields.

Where is the sisteen chapel?

The Sisteen Chapel is in Vatican City, Italy. It is part of the Vatican Museum.