Though of Polish, Jewish descent Stefanie is a catholic.
Stefanie Powers is 75 years old (born Stephanie Paul, November 2, 1942).
Stefanie Powers, she starred in a tv series I used t enjoy watching called, Hart to Hart.
Stefanie Butler's birth name is Stefanie Lauren Butler.
Stefanie Paige's birth name is Stefanie Paige Fleishman.
Though of Polish, Jewish descent Stefanie is a catholic.
Stefanie Powers was born on November 2, 1942.
Stefanie Powers was born on November 2, 1942.
Stefanie Powers's birth name is Stefania Zofia Federkiewicz.
Stefanie Powers is 75 years old (born Stephanie Paul, November 2, 1942).
Stefanie Powers is an American actress, her real name is Stefanie Zofya Paul. She is most well known for the role she played in the 'Hart to Hart' series.
She's an actress
The Daily Show - 1996 Stefanie Powers 2-27 was released on: USA: 15 September 1997
Five feet seven inches [1.70 meters] is the height of Stefanie Powers [b. November 2, 1942]. The multilingual actress always has kept in shape, by a commitment to healthy eating and exercise. Specifically, she's trained in ballet and competitive in bullfighting, fencing, horseback riding, and polo.
Anna Leonowens is the character that Stefanie Powers (b. November 2, 1942) played in the musical "The King and I." Powers interpreted the role first in tours in the United Kingdom in 2002. Later, in 2004 and 2005, she reprised the role in the U.S. tour.