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Greece is in South-Eastern Europe while Portugal is in South-Western Europe. So, distance wise they are not close. But in terms of climate, vegetation, and latitude, yes they very similar.

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Betty Wilderman

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2y ago
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13y ago

My goodness NO!!!!!! Portugal is in Europe, it's the west coast of that continent. Brazil is in South America. They have the same official language, portuguese, because Brazil was a portuguese colony. Portugal found Brazil before another portuguese sailor named Christopher Columbus, had left the court of Spain and reached the Caribbean. But they kept it a secret so their enemies wouldn't beat them to it. (people say Christopher Columbus was spanish or Italian but he was portuguese like Mageillon).

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12y ago

no Brazil is in America and Portugal is in Europe

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12y ago

NO, it used to be though in colonial times. Now they just share a common language and a society or Portuguese speaking countries: (CPLP) Community of Portuguese Language Countries.

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15y ago

Yes. They share a border and make up the Iberian Penninsular.

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12y ago

Greece is in South-Eastern Europe while Portugal is in South-Western Europe. So, distance wise they are not close. But in terms of climate, vegetation, and latitude, yes they very similar.

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Q: Is Brazil part of Portugal
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