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Leonora Medhurst

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2y ago
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11y ago

None of these. The Hawaiian islands formed from a "hot spot" in the crust, where rock is heated from the magma below. As the plate moved, it carried away the islands formed above the hot spot, and they began to erode, rather than grow.

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3mo ago

Kilauea is located on a hotspot, which is neither a divergent nor convergent boundary. Hotspots are areas where magma rises through the Earth's mantle, creating volcanoes such as Kilauea in Hawaii.

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10y ago

Mauna Loa is not convergent. It is also not a divergent volcano. Mauna Loa is located in Hawaii and is considered a mid-plate volcano.

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11y ago

it is a volacano

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10y ago

Kilauea is associated with a hot spot.

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14y ago

Hot spot

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15y ago


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Q: Is kilauea's divergent or convergent
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What are the 3 types of plate boundarys?

The three types of plate boundaries are divergent, convergent, and transform boundaries. At divergent boundaries, plates move away from each other, creating new crust. Convergent boundaries involve plates colliding, leading to the formation of mountain ranges or subduction zones. Transform boundaries involve plates sliding past each other horizontally.

Types of plate boundries?

The three main types of plate boundaries are divergent, convergent, and transform. Divergent boundaries occur where plates move apart, creating new crust. Convergent boundaries occur where plates collide and can result in subduction zones or mountain formation. Transform boundaries occur where plates slide past each other horizontally.

What are the three plate movements?

The three main types of plate movements are convergent, where plates move towards each other; divergent, where plates move away from each other; and transform, where plates slide past each other horizontally.

Is a reverse fault often located along a divergent plate boundary or convergent?

A reverse fault is usually associated with convergent plate boundaries, where two plates are colliding and one is forced upward over the other. It is less common along divergent boundaries, where plates are moving away from each other.

Divergent vs Convergent Winds?

Divergent winds move away from a central point, causing air to spread out. This can be seen in high-pressure systems, where air descends and moves outward. Convergent winds, on the other hand, move towards a central point, causing air to come together. This is common in low-pressure systems, where air rises and converges at the center.

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How are convergent boundarys different from divergent boundarys?

convergent boundaries collide but divergent boundaries move away from each other.

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Underwater volcanoes and mountains can form at both convergent and divergent boundaries.

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The Mariana Trench is a convergent plate boundary.

What are the 3 plates?

divergent, transform and convergent

What the difference between convergent and divergent?

Two paths which are convergent will come together in the distance. Two paths which are divergent will get further and further apart in the distance.

Which times divergent cone is bigger than convergent cone in venturimeter?

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What is convergent and divergent in jet engine?

Convergent means the available area decreases as we move forward and divergent is the opposite. There is no other exotic meaning in aircraft's.

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Is Mount Vesuvius near a hot spot divergent or convergent plate boundary?

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