

Is John McCain still a Maverick?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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15y ago

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McCain v 1.0 was a Reagan Republican. McCain v 2.0 was a Maverick. McCain v 3.0 is a right-wing Republican. He's still considered a maverick by some, as previously his stands did often differ significantly from the stands of either of the two parties. Most significantly he broke with the Republican leadership on Campaign Finance Reform and on Immigration, he has since backed off of both of these stances. His first major break with his party was in 1983 when as a freshman Congressman he voted against keeping US Marines in Lebanon, arguing that they were unlikely to succeed in what he perceived as a poorly defined mission. On most major issues today he has not diverted from the Republican party: that is to say, the war in Iraq, Bush tax cuts, etc. It should be noted, however, that the word Maverick comes from a cattle rancher that refused to brand his kine. His real reason for doing so was so he could claim any unbranded cow in the territory. So the term Maverick more closely associates with thief. John McCain's voting record shows him to be a rank-and-file Republican. Check out the link below.

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