a black sucessful actor and he is also African American
Evidently Earl Hamner is still alive and is 88-89 years old as of this year 2012.
Earl Thomas Conley was born on October 17, 1941.
Hes still alive
James Earl Ray died April 23, 1998 from kidney disease while still in prison.
Which name? James EARL Ray died April 1998.
a black sucessful actor and he is also African American
No, James Earl Ray died in 1998 while serving his sentence in prison. He was convicted for the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. in 1968.
yes he is, as of 2014
No, James Earl Ray has been dead since April 23, 1998.
3 (They've all passed away; he's the only one of the four still alive.)
Evidently Earl Hamner is still alive and is 88-89 years old as of this year 2012.
No, James Earl Ray passed away on April 23, 1998. He was serving a 99-year prison sentence for the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr.
Yes, Sylvia Alice Earle, also known as Dr. Sylvia Earle, is still alive. She is an American marine biologist, oceanographer, and explorer who has made significant contributions to marine conservation and research.