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Yes, Hungary is a Central European nation.

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The Balkans begin at the southern border of Hungary.

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Q: Is Hungary part of the Balkans?
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Hungary and Slovenia are a part of the Western Balkans?

no Hungary or Slovenia were not part of the western balkans

Is Hungary part of the Balkan peninsula?

No, Hungary is to the north of the Balkans.

Would you these countries was not part of Balkans?

Romania is not a part of Balkans (geographically speaking).

Who fought for control of the Balkans during world war 1?

russia and austria-hungary were continually fighting over the 'balkans' during ww1.

What non balkan nations competed for dominance of the balkans?

Russia and Austria-Hungary were the two non-Balkan nations who competed for dominance of the Balkans.

Which two countries had conflicting ambitions and policies in the Balkans?

Russia and Austria-Hungary

What two non-balkan nations competed for dominance of the balkans?

Russia and Austria-Hungary were the two non-Balkan nations who competed for dominance of the Balkans.

Which country was not a part of the balkans?

Italy is a country that is not considered part of the Balkans region. The Balkans typically include countries in Southeastern Europe such as Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, and Slovenia.

Why do the Balkans become so important to Austro-Hungary after 1867?

The Balkans were extremely important to the Austro-Hungarian Empire, partially because it kept them from being land-locked.

How did nationalism contribute to unrest in the Balkans?

The Ottoman Empire fought Austria-Hungary for control of the region.

Where is Serbia situated?

Serbia is located in Central-Southeastern Europe, and borders Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Montenegro and Croatia.

Is Denmark in balkans?

No, Denmark is part of Scandinavia.