yes she is because she out smarted every one even al
but i think she's really mean but she has feelings too like every body else.
i have watched the finals and heather and alejandro are in the finals for those who don't know the winner i should prbobly not tell but i will if some one asks the question!
Heather wins total drama world tour.
Heather won because she played fairly shes awsome & she could. For more help ask the producers
Yes, Alejandro and Heather become attracted to each other in TDWT.
No.she doesnt like duncan, but she likes alejandro in tdwt
Heather does have a crush on Alejandro, while he both uses his emotions in love and trying to upper hand her.
Duncan, that same guy who returned to TDWT and quit the season after refusing to sing.
Heather then Gwen then Owen is the winner Heather then Gwen then Owen is the winner
yes he is but he is dating courtney
Heather West
Alejandro was about to win but then Heather started to fake cry over him and then he acted all sweet then they kissed and during that heather kneed him in the balls and sent him down a volcano on an ice cube......... then Heather won but the crazed animal (Ezekiel) snatched the million and dove into the volcano with it. then the volcano exploded and everyone was running for their lives..