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Greece has;

  • Snakes. Most though harmless, will bite if provoked
  • Non-venomous Spiders
  • Brown Bears don't see humans as a food source but they're unpredictable and will attack if threatened.
  • Non-malaria carrying Mosquitoes which are relatively harmless.
  • Moray Eels. Generally shy and only the larger ones will attack only if provoked.
  • Weaver Fish
  • Sting Ray
  • Portuguese 'Man-o-War' - an airbag type jellyfish

Greece is an astoundingly beautiful, fantastic and awesome country. Serious injury is not a frequent occurrence, but it can and does happen. Always be careful when abroad and do not deem it insignificant if you are bitten or stung. Always seek medical help.

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11y ago

Greece isn't a particularly dangerous country, there are hardly any dangerous animals and crime isn't as high as other countries. However, the sun can be dangerous if you don't put on sun cream and the sea can be dangerous if you can't swim

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