He's more legendary, but not as powerful. Maybe SSJ4 Goku is, but that is not certain. He's definately more popular than Broly.
The fusion of Goku and Vegeta, is immeasurably stronger than Broly though.
broly was a man who was born on the same day as goku saiyans mad fun of broly when he was a baby because goku was more energetic than broly so he cried
broly his power level will keep on rising forever and beat goku
In DBZ Movie 8:Broly the Legendary Super Saiyan.
Broly the legendary super saiyan 3
Super Saiyan 2 goku cause he was able to defeat Broly as a Super Saiyan 1
Goku would win in a battle with Broly if he is in Super Saiyan (1) or higher. However, SSJ1 may not be enough, or cause trouble for Goku, especially when facing Broly's Legendary Super Saiyan (LSSJ) form.
Yes they are because there both legendary sayins born on the same day fight like brothers in Dragonball super: broly movie and was trying to calm him down so yes they are brothers.
When Broly and Goku were Babies, then Goku kept on crying loudly which irritated Broly and also made him cry.
Ah, what a delightful question. The epic battle between Broly and Goku can be found in the movie "Dragon Ball Super: Broly." It's a beautiful clash of power and determination that will surely inspire your own creative spirit. Just sit back, relax, and enjoy the colorful brushstrokes of their fierce encounter.
Broly is a legendary super saiyan!!whereas xicor is ss5!!but goku defeats broly in ss2 form!hence it is clear that xicor is more stronger!!and he is way better than the legendary super saiyan broly!!but it is not confirm that xicor is a real character or just a fan made char!!therefore this is also the thing behind it!!
broly and goku when where babys, had cribs by each other goku cried all the time and broly cried because he was mad at goku crying 24-7
Goku and broly were born on the same day, goku was a loud crybaby and thus cased a restless broly to start crying. 30 so years later Broly never forgave him for it. Because of all that broly hates goku and wants to kill him.