

Best Answer

Yes. It's ranked in the Very High Human Development column on the Human Development Indicator (#31).

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Q: Is Cyprus developed
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Is Cyprus an ledc?

An LEDC is a less economically developed country. Cyprus is a fairly well developed country, particularly Ayia Napa, part of Cyprus's coastal fringe, which is very much an MEDC (more economically developed country). Rural areas will be less developed.

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Ercan, Cyprus?

Ercan, Cyprus is mainly known for its airport and can be called the gateway to the mysterious island of Aphrodite. Cyprus is an island in the Mediterranean Ocean. Cyprus is divided by a border or green line and Ercan is in the Northern part of Cyprus. North Cyprus is not as developed and under Turkish influence, while the south part of Cyprus is under Greek influence. Cyprus is a melting pot of the European, Asian, and African cultures; it is also referred to as the playground of the world. Cyprus is an ancient island, and its serious side is evidenced with a museum of antiquity in every town. The beaches are unparalleled as are the accommodations. Villas are available for rent close to Ercan that are quite reasonable and beautiful. Ercan is sometimes known as Tymbou which is a nearby ancient village. Ercan, Cyprus is the gateway to the unspoiled world of northern Cyprus; the ancient island that is like none other in the world.

What is the name of the most eastern island in the Mediterranean Sea?

Cyprus in the easternmost island

What did the Romans call Cyprus?

The Latin for Cyprus is Cyprus.

Who controls the island of Cyprus?

Cyprus is a sovereign, independent country. no one controls cyprus.

Is Cyprus in Egypt?

No, Cyprus is an island in the mediterranean sea near Egypt. Cyprus is different country. from girl from Cyprus!! ;P

Which ocean is Cyprus in?

The island Cyprus is in the Mediterranean Sea. Cyprus is in the Mediterranean sea

What small island is off the coast of Syria in the Mediteranean Sea?

It is called Cyprus not pie Cyprus not pippipipipi0p CYPRUS!!!!!

What are the landforms in Cyprus?

The Cyprus Plateau.

Is Cyprusrich or poor?

Cyprus is considered to be a relatively wealthy country compared to other countries worldwide. It has a high standard of living, a developed economy, and a well-established tourism industry. However, like many countries, Cyprus also faces economic challenges and income inequality.

What is the capirtal city of Cyprus?

Nicosia is a city; cities do not have capitals. However, Nicosia is the capital of Cyprus.