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I don't think so, it looks like a boy.

Nah, i think it's a girl.

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Q: Is Black Luster Soldier a girl?
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Is black luster soldier a boy or girl?

Actually Black Luster Soldier(Ritual card) is girl, but Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of Beginning is male -boy.

When fusing Blue eyes ultimate dragon and black luster soldier Is it all right to use Black luster soldier - Envoy the beginning instead?

No, it requires a card called, and only called 'Black Luster Soldier', only the ritual monster one will do.

When fusing Blue eyes ultimate dragon and black luster soldier Is it all right to use Black luster soldier Envoy the beginning instead?


Why is black luster soldier a forbidden card?

Black Luster Soldier is not a forbidden card, only Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beggining (two different cards) Many people don't know this, but these cards are different. "Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning" is an effect monster released in Invasion of Chaos which can either attack again once after it destroys a monster or remove a monster on the field from play. It also has the same ATK and DEF as Black Luster Soldier. It is forbidden because its effect to remove a monster from play is too powerful.

When did Yu-gi-oh first played Black Luster Soldier?

Yugi first plays Black Luster Soldier in episode 30 during his duel against Mai.

Can you get Black Luster Soldier in any booster packs?

Yes, you can find it as a regular rare, DPYG-EN017, in the relatively recent Duelist Pack Yugi.Lets not forget, we're not talking about "Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning", we are talking about "Black Luster Soldier" (SYE-024). "Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning" is in Invasion of Chaos and, more recently, Dark Revelation 2. But the question is where to get Black Luster Soldier, other than the Yugi Evolution deck.As well as the DPYG and SYE versions, there is a parallel rare form available in one of the Mattel toy packs, series 3.

What deck can you get black luster soldier?

None, Black Luster Soldier was a card featured in the Yugi Revolution Starter Deck years ago. You can find it on many online market sites (ebay, amazon etc.) If you mean Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning, that was featured in Invasion of Chaos originally and can now be found in the Gold Series 4 packs, and also the Legendary Collection 2 (However BLS - Envoy of the Beginning is Forbidden in Traditional Format).

How do you get Black Luster Soldier in Yu-gi-oh 5ds stardust accelerator?

suck balls

Was the parallel rare card black luster soldier MF03 EN009 ever released and if it was where can you find one?

Possibly, i used to own a Black Luster Soldier a while back but sold it. I still have the ritual card, oh and use bay to find one.

Was the parallel rare version of black luster soldier ever released and how rare is it?

If im correct its Black Luster Soldier- Envoy of the beginning. Its really rare but forbiden in tournaments sadly. Anyways its a great card and can be found in the Invasion of Chaos booster packs.

How can you get black luster soldier on yu gi oh forbidden memories?

You can fuse Dark Energy with Dark-Piercing Light to get the Black Luster Ritual.You will need to sacrifice:Beaver WarriorGaia the Fierce KnightKuriboh

What is the code for black luster soldier on ultimate yu-gi-oh vault?

they have not said that yet sorry. :)