It definitely could be. It depends on your height, body build, how fast you've developed etc. If you really want to know you should see a professional.
I am a 13 year old Girl.
.Can we start by learning the nature of your relationship with the 13 year old girl in question?
I am a mostly curvy 13 year old girl, and i weigh about 115 lbs. if that!
No 5'3 is average to tall for a 13 year old girl
That is really a matter of opinion. Everybody has their own opinion on who is the prettiest 13 year old girl.
I'm 13 and 5'10.25". I am the tallest 13 year old female I know.
Do it
HEY! im a 13 year old girl!! what are you getting as answers????
Of course. It happens all the time
Average weight for a 13 year old girl is 28 to 74 kgs.