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Veronica Wilkinson

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Q: Is 130 good IQ score for a year old?
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Is 113 a good IQ score for a 28 year-old female?

This is an okay score. The average score for anyone is about 100. Good scores are 130+.

Is 123 a good IQ score for a 14 year old?

Yes, an average IQ for any age is 100 is you reach 130 you are considered gifted, so 123 is a really good score

Is 105 a good IQ score for 11 year old?

Well, I'm an 11 year old girl and my score was also 105. 100 is the average so you about average. You would have to be 130 or more to be considered above average or genius.

You are a 15 year old girl and your IQ is 130 Is that good?

Yes, that's good! An IQ score that's higher than 120 is considered to be above average. More specifically, a score of 130 is usually thought of as being "gifted", and places you in the 98th percentile – or the top 2%. This is also the minimum score required for membership with MENSA.

What are good IQ scores for elven year old?

Is 100 a good score for an 11 year old

Is 122 a good IQ score for a 25 year old man?

no. my pet cat has an i of 130 so ur dumber thanmy house cat. but hey at least you have your youth

What is the average IQ score for a 20 year old?

100-130 the average of that is 115.Google it first please :D

Is IQ score of 132 a good score for a 9 year old?

yes. that is amazing.

For a 12 year old is 114 a good score?

it depends what level ur at. but 114 is a good score! good on ya!

Is getting 105.6 a good IQ score for a 11 year old girl?

That is a good score. It puts her as a solid average which is from 90 to 110.

How good is 131 score on IQ test for 41 year old?
