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Learned is a verb. Remember, a noun is a thing, place, person.

ANS2:No, it can be the past tense of the verb 'to learn' or it could be used as an adjective such as "a learned lesson" or "a learned (LEARN-ed) man"
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Carroll Kertzmann

Lvl 10
3y ago
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1y ago

No, 'learn' is not a noun. It is a verb.

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Q: Is 'learn' a noun
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What is the noun for Learn?

The noun forms of the verb to learn are learner and the gerund, learning.

What is the abstract noun for to learn?

The abstract noun form for the verb to learn is the gerund, learning.

To learn is it a preposition?

A preposition has an object, which is a noun or objective pronoun or a word or clause acting as a noun. Since learn is a verb instead of a noun, 'to learn' would be an infinitive.

Abstract noun of learn?

The abstract noun forms for the verb 'to learn' are learner, one who learns, and the gerund (verbal noun) learning.

Is learn an abstract noun?

Yes, the word 'learning' is an abstract noun; a word for the process of acquiring knowledge.

Which is not a noun and verb learn float crowd?

The word learn is a verb only.The word float is both a noun and a verb.The word crowd is both a noun and a verb.

How can children learn that an apple as a visual aid is a noun?

Anything you can hold up or point to is going to be a noun, because a noun is a person, place, or thing -- so they don't need to learn apple as a specific noun, they need to learn that all things in that category will be called nouns.

Is the word learning a noun?

No, learn is a verb.

How do you spell the plural of learn?

learn doesn't actually have a pluralised form as it is a verb, not a noun. But the conjugation of the verb to learn is as follows: I learn You learn He/She/It learns We learn They learn

How do you write why as a noun?

To learn history, it helps to know the why as well as the who and the when.

Is skiing a noun?

It is a verb form, but it can be a verbal noun (gerund) for the act of skiing. "Skiing is a bit hard to learn."

Is learn a noun or a verb?

"Learn" is a verb. It is an action word that describes the process of gaining knowledge or skills.