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Insects are not a species. Insects are are a class of invertebrates within the arthropod phylum. That is like asking if mammals are the most numerous species. Your question needs to be refined. Are you asking if insects are the most numerous class of animal? Most numerous species of living thing? Or perhaps you are thinking of a specific species such as monarch butterfly (Danaus



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2mo ago

Yes, insects are the most numerous group of species on Earth, comprising about 80% of all known animal species. Their sheer numbers and diverse ecological roles make them a vital component of many ecosystems.

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Q: Insects are the most numerous species on the earth?
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In the sentence Insects are the most numerous species on the earth what is the comparison used in the sentence?

It is a declarative sentence.

What degree of comparison is used in this sentence Insects are the most numerous species on the earth?

The degree of comparison is superlative.

What degree of comparison is used in this sentence?

The positive degree of comparison is used. (That it, no comparison is made.)

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Are insects the most numerous life form on earth?

Yes, insects are often considered the most numerous group of organisms on Earth in terms of species diversity. It's estimated that there are around 1 million described insect species, with potentially millions more awaiting discovery. Insects are found in almost every ecosystem, playing crucial roles in various ecological processes.

Which class of animals is the most numerous on earth?

In terms of biomass, the most numerous class of animals on Earth is usually considered to be arthropods, which include insects, spiders, and crustaceans. They are incredibly diverse and can be found in virtually every habitat on Earth.

What phylum would you find the most abundant animals on earth?

Phylum Athropoda, ( The Arthropods) as they contain the insects of which there are 800 000 species and the insects are the most abundant animals on earth.

Most species on Earth today are?

humans --------------------------------------- There are far more insects than there are humans!

What animal has the most species on earth?

Don't think anyone knows which exact species for sure. "Insects" is wrong, as insects are not a single species but is instead an entire class of arthropods, consisting of more than a million separate species.

How many species on Earth have antennas?

It is impossible to know exactly how many species on earth have antennas. All insects have antennas and although only 900,000 have been recorded most scientists believe there could be as many as 5 million species of insects.

What are the most numerous vertebrates on earth?

Fish hold the title for the most numerous vertebrates on Earth. With over 30,000 known species, they are found in a wide range of aquatic environments worldwide.

Do insects comprise the largest group of animals?

Insects are not a species. Insects are are a class of invertebrates within the arthropod phylum. That is like asking if mammals are the most numerous species. Your question needs to be refined. Are you asking if insects are the most numerous class of animal? Most numerous species of living thing? Or perhaps you are thinking of a specific species such as monarch butterfly (Danausplexippus).